The Sacral Chakra

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    This center of energy located 4 fingers below the belly button is associated with creativity, freedom, flowing energy, expression, and birth (both physical birth of a child, and of new ideas and ventures).

    When healthy we create a life that is a personal masterpiece – our work of art. We move freely, and experience loving relationships. This is our sexy chakra.

    When blocked it’s hard to find that creative spirit, we enter into dysfunctional relationships, and may have little sex drive. digestive dis-eases are causes by blocks here when we are unable to digest and fearlessly engage in life.
    Affirmation for this chakra is: I am radiant, beautiful and strong and enjoy a healthy and passionate life.”

    Join the discussion and meditation at 1:00 PM eastern:–sacral-chakra (you may need to cut and paste this in your browser)

    In this center of creativity, set your intention to let go of control issues and judgement today.

    See unbalanced energy transmuted to allowing yourself to flow with the fluid flow of life.

    Affirmation: I am radiant, beautiful and strong and enjoy a healthy and passionate life.”

    Spiritual connection: feeling, emotion, pleasure sensuality, intimacy, and connection.

    Element: Water

    Color: Orange

    Vowel Sound and sacred sound: OOO (concentrate on the sacral chakra and intone OOO (like you)
Musical note: D
Crystals: amber, aragonite, carnelian, orange calcite; and pearls and copper

    Anatomical Location: Navel; Mid/Lower-Abdomen/Pelvis (2 inches below belly button); Lower Back; Sexual Organs

    Body Systems: Reproductive System; prostate, womb; Lymph System; Nose and Bone

    Sacral chakra energizing foods:
Fruits (especially with seeds), carrots, nuts and honey…
Orange luscious, ripe and juicy fruits such as: mangos, melons, oranges are great options.

    Suggested raw juice:

    4 carrots – tops/bottoms cut off
    3 peaches – pitted
    2 nectarines – pitted
    1 sweet potato with skin cut into cubes
    1 mango – pitted
    1/2 a small butternut squash

    Alternative Juice:

    1 mango
    1 fresh apricot
    1/2 papaya
    Dash of Coconut water for desired texture

    Mix all ingredients and blend on high until smooth. Enjoy

    Or – 3 carrots, 1 orange, 1/2 a canteloupe

    Vegan alternative:
    Turmeric Butternut Squash Ginger Bisque (yummy)

    1 tbsp coconut oil

    1 yellow onion, diced (reduce or replace with 1 bulb fennel for pitta)

    fresh ginger (1-inch piece), chopped

    2 cups low-sodium vegetable stock

    1 large butternut squash, roasted (option to sub with 2

    sweet potatoes)

    1 can full-fat coconut milk (14 oz)

    1 tsp turmeric

    ½ tsp cinnamon

    ¼ tsp sea salt

    1/8 tsp freshly ground black pepper

    pumpkin seeds, to garnish


    In a large pot or Dutch oven, heat coconut oil over medium heat. Add onion and ginger, and sauté until soft, about 3 minutes.

    Add stock, bring to a boil, and then add cooked butternut squash. Stir in coconut milk, turmeric, cinnamon, salt, and pepper. Cover with lid, reduce to low heat, and let simmer, 5 minutes.

    Blend soup to a smooth purée using an immersion blender, or let it cool and purée it in batches with a regular blender. Serve garnished with pumpkin seeds.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Raiysa.
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