Raiysa started the topic Break Fast in the forum SIS 7 Chakra Raw Juice Fast for Release 4 years, 5 months ago
We close out the experience with the 7 Chakra Raw Juice and refocus on our set intention for release with a reflection on how we carry this energy forward integrated into daily life.
When the 7 chakras are healthy and balanced, they spin in harmony to provide precisely the right amount of energy to the body, mind and spirit. This state of…[Read more]
Raiysa started the topic The Crown Chakra in the forum SIS 7 Chakra Raw Juice Fast for Release 4 years, 5 months ago
The crown chakra gifts us with transcendence of the individual self into true, mystical experience of unity and oneness. This energy center invites us to shift our experience to the realm of spiritual union so that we can experience the “Being” part of our human being that is the direct connection to Source Energy. It is this force that nourishes…[Read more]
Raiysa started the topic The Brow Chakra in the forum SIS 7 Chakra Raw Juice Fast for Release 4 years, 5 months ago
The brow chakra is our center of perception and command.O ur consciousness is located here. We see ourselves and the external world, interpret what we see and are aware of ourselves and the world through the brow chakra.
In the Third Eye or Brow Chakra we broaden our perceptions so we can better see the truth. We live in a visual culture and…[Read more]
Raiysa started the topic The Throat Chakra in the forum SIS 7 Chakra Raw Juice Fast for Release 4 years, 5 months ago
In this center governing our ability to communicate (not just on the physical level but the mental, emotional and spiritual as well) set an intention to release falsehood, immaturity, co-dependency and lack of trust. See the energy transmuted to truth, free expression and communication of clear thoughts and ideas.
Affirmation: “My thoughts are…[Read more]
Raiysa started the topic The Heart Chakra in the forum SIS 7 Chakra Raw Juice Fast for Release 4 years, 5 months ago
Today we honor the heart chakra, which is the bridge between the lower and upper chakras integrating the manifest with the spiritual.
This energy center is associated with unconditional love, compassion, and joy. It is the source of deep and profound truths that cannot be expressed in words. Self love and self acceptance stems from the heart…[Read more]
Raiysa replied to the topic The Root Chakra in the forum SIS 7 Chakra Raw Juice Fast for Release 4 years, 5 months ago
Raiysa started the topic SIS 7 Chakra Raw Juice for Release 2020 – Solar Chakra in the forum SIS 7 Chakra Raw Juice Fast for Release 4 years, 5 months ago
The solar chakra is all about radiating your power to the world!
Confidence, self-esteem, will power all generate from your core. Today release uncertainty to own your personal inner power; transmute it to energy, action and vitality! As you mediate or reflect, let the yellow light surround you in love and empowerment.
Affirmation: “I AM p…[Read more]
Raiysa started the topic The Sacral Chakra in the forum SIS 7 Chakra Raw Juice Fast for Release 4 years, 5 months ago
This center of energy located 4 fingers below the belly button is associated with creativity, freedom, flowing energy, expression, and birth (both physical birth of a child, and of new ideas and ventures).
When healthy we create a life that is a personal masterpiece – our work of art. We move freely, and experience loving relationships. This is…[Read more]
Raiysa replied to the topic The Root Chakra in the forum SIS 7 Chakra Raw Juice Fast for Release 4 years, 5 months ago
Agreed! There is so much fear and anxiety in the world today that can be managed by balancing the chakras – beginning with the root chakra.
Raiysa started the topic The Root Chakra in the forum SIS 7 Chakra Raw Juice Fast for Release 4 years, 5 months ago
Get grounded. Connect with the Earth today. Set your intention to release lack or instability in any area of your life, and transmute it to abundance and a deep sense of contentment and ease. If you are able, stand outside barefoot, hug a tree, or run your hands through some soil. This will help you to get connected. As you reflect or meditate…[Read more]
Raiysa replied to the topic 7 Chakra Raw Juice Salute in the forum SIS 7 Chakra Raw Juice Fast for Release 4 years, 5 months ago
Here’s the shopping list for the 7 Chakra Raw Juice Fast for Release:
Opening and closing 7 Chakra Juice – 2 apples or 2 pomegranates, 2 Oranges, 1 bunch of kale or dandelion, Blueberries to taste, 1 Beetroot, 1 Daikon radish
First Chakra – 2 Beet root, 2 Red apples, Ginger root to taste
Second Chakra 4 Orange carrots, 3 peaches, 2…[Read more]
Raiysa started the topic 7 Chakra Raw Juice Salute in the forum SIS 7 Chakra Raw Juice Fast for Release 4 years, 5 months ago
At sunset on the eve of the fall equinox:
2 Pomegranates or red apples (red)
2 Oranges or orange beets (orange)
1/2 Lemon (yellow)
3 leaves of dandelion (green)
1 handful Blueberries (blue)
3 large leaves of purple kale (purple)
½ small Daikon Radish (white)Juice in order and reflect on each chakra. Ask it what it needs. Chakras are…[Read more]
Raiysa started the topic 7 Chakra Raw Juice Salute in the forum SIS 7 Chakra Raw Juice Fast for Release 4 years, 5 months ago
At sunset on the eve of the fall equinox:
2 Pomegranates or red apples (red)
2 Oranges or orange beets (orange)
1/2 Lemon (yellow)
3 leaves of dandelion (green)
1 handful Blueberries (blue)
3 large leaves of purple kale (purple)
½ small Daikon Radish (white)Juice in order and reflect on each chakra. Ask it what it needs. Chakras are…[Read more]
Raiysa wrote a new post, 4 Tips for Leaving Your Comfort Zone 5 years, 1 month ago
What’s the secret to leaving your comfort zone? Here are four tips to help move you into a world of adventure and opportunity:
1. Find your “zone of courage.”
Your zone of courage lies just outside your […]
Raiysa posted a new product 5 years, 1 month ago
Time for renewal, rebirth, revival, refreshment – we get a redo! We may not be able to change the past, but we can start today to manifest a new ending. And we can do so by re-energizing our chakras. The 7 […]
Raiysa started the topic There are so many laws where do I start? in the forum How to Start a CBD Business 5 years, 4 months ago
Every state has a different law, and rules for THC content. Where do I find out what’s a fit for my state?
Raiysa wrote a new post, SIS Empowerment Radio 6 years ago
Sisters In Spirit empowers women by sharing information and resources in the areas of: personal and business finance, health and healing; spirituality; lifestyle and sustainable living practices.
We are energetic […] -
Raiysa posted a new product 7 years, 3 months ago
Enjoy the beautiful SIS 2020 calendar for a year full of vibrant images that speak to your conscious mind, or purchase it as a great meaningful gift. It’s a balance of inspirational and lunar calendar that keeps […]
Raiysa posted a new product 7 years, 5 months ago
Click here to access products that ACTIVATE YOUR GREATNESS with Holistic Solutions for conscious leaders worldwide!
Wholeness & Balanced Vibrations, Darlene
Raiysa posted a new product 7 years, 6 months ago
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